
Creating a cleaning company requires, in addition to the usual formalities linked to the creation of a business , to find out about the regulations in force in the cleaning sector, in particular hygiene and safety standards. These regulations are relatively substantial when the company is involved in personal services and will commit to the customer with a service contract .

Before embarking on this entrepreneurial project, it is important to be well informed on the one hand, about the stages of creating a business, and on the other hand, about the regime and the applicable legal regulations.


How to start a cleaning business?

At first glance, no qualification or diploma is a priori necessary to launch your cleaning business. Therefore, everyone is free to start their own home cleaning business and no specific skills are required. However, it may be wise to follow in-depth training on the subject.

Analyze the market state

Analyzing the state of the market is an essential step in the business creation process. As part of carrying out the market study, it is necessary to study the following points:

  • Become familiar with the company’s environment (market situation, place of competition in the projected market, catchment area);
  • Carry out feasibility studies of the project (personal capacity of the entrepreneur to manage the company, availability of financial resources, technical feasibility study, choice of the legal form of the company, etc.).

More concretely, the cleaning company market in Australia is booming. Getting into this sector can be opportune but the competition remains tough. Thus, many companies are forced to diversify in order to sustain their activities. The diversity of services also contributes to stabilizing the sector.

Furthermore, although no particular diploma is required to create a cleaning company , a trend towards professionalization has been observed since 2007. Most companies are placing more and more emphasis on quality, thus focusing on qualifications and certifications .

Cleaning services are generally of two types.

Type of cleaning Areas of intervention
Classic cleaning Professional premises or residential buildings
Specific cleaning
  • Vehicles for individuals or professionals;
  • Glazed surfaces;
  • Industrial machines;
  • Industrial premises;
  • Medical.

Furthermore, professionals in the field are divided into three categories.

Categories Type of Services
Small enterprises Services for individuals
Mid-sized companies
  • Cleaning of collective buildings
  • Office cleaning;
  • End of construction cleaning.
Large companies
  • Cleaning of large-scale professional premises;
  • Specific cleaning.

Create a business plan

Then, in order to launch your project with peace of mind, it is essential to carefully establish your business plan. The business plan is a document, mainly intended for the company’s future partners and investors , which aims to present the broad outlines of the project . It must therefore include the following elements:

  • A detailed presentation of the project and its founders;
  • A communication and marketing strategy (definition of the targeted clientele, types of services offered, use of communication channels and social networks, etc.);
  • A financing plan (the means of financing envisaged, possible loans and the projected turnover);
  • A legal plan.

Choosing a business name

Subsequently, the project leader must choose the name, which refers to the company as a legal entity . The name is one of the mandatory information to be included on company invoices.

It is also possible for personal businesses to use their own name or opt for a commercial name .

Finally, the founder of the company must carry out a prior verification with the INPI or with the registries of the Commercial Court if the chosen name does not already belong to another company, at the risk of being subject to sanctions.

Please note : it is essential to check whether a domain name or business name is available. Indeed, by registering a commercial name which has already been the subject of registration with the INPI, the person is exposed to opposition to the registration of the trademark by the initial owner, who may also initiate an action for nullity. .

Choosing the legal form of your cleaning business

The choice of the legal structure is a determining stage of the project, to which particular attention should be devoted. Creating a cleaning company has the advantage of lending itself to various legal forms ; the final choice essentially depends on the ambition and expectations of the project leader.

Summary table of the various legal forms and their characteristics 

Legal status Structure type Features
Microbusiness Single diet
  • Simplified creation formalities
  • Micro-fiscal regime advantages
  • Capping of turnover
  • VAT exemption
Simplified joint stock company(SAS) and its single-person form (SASU) Multi-personal or single-member company
  • Freedom of organization and functioning of society
  • Possibility of opting for the single-person form (SASU)
  • Heavy and costly creation formalities
  • Separation of personal and professional assets
Limited liability company(SARL) and its single-member form (EURL) Multi-personal or single-member company
  • Strict supervision of the functioning of the company
  • Limited liability of partners up to their contributions
  • Heavy and costly creation formalities
  • Possibility of opting for the single-person form (EURL)

What are the formalities for starting a cleaning business?

Creating a cleaning business involves carrying out the following business creation procedures and formalities :

  • Drafting of statutes;
  • Share capital deposit with the bank;
  • Drafting of a legal announcement mentioning the date of creation, the name/nature and address of the company, its corporate purpose, with the name and address of the manager;
  • Filling out the form on the INPI website;
  • Submission on the INPI portal of all requested supporting documents, in particular copies of the manager’s identity documents, his birth certificate as well as a declaration of non-conviction.

At the end of the registration process , it is possible to obtain the company’s SIRET number .

Summary table of formalities to be completed: 

Object Entities concerned
Status Personal business:
  • Activities in your own name, without the need for capital or partners, with a minimum of formalities.
  • The owner remains fully responsible for operating losses. They can extend to his property given the fact that there is no distinction between his personal and professional assets.

Company :

  • Legal personality with its own capital.
  • Liability of the entrepreneur limited to the amount of capital.
Company name
  • Make a filing with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in order to protect the use of the operating trademark or itscorporate name.
  • Acquisition of ownership of the socialemic name upon registration with the RCS.
Publication of a notice of business creation In a JAL within the jurisdiction of the company’s head office
Registration Registration with:
  • National Business Directory (RNE)
  • Trade and Companies Register (RCS)
  • Business formalities center
Trade declaration Declaration to:
  • The post office
  • Electricity, gas and water supplier
  • Internet and telephone provider
Pension fund Registration to be made within a maximum of 3 months after business registration
Authorized management center After registration, this registration must be done within 5 months



🔎 Zoom : please note that you can seek help from a professional such as Webblog to help you with the process of creating your business , regardless of the legal status chosen. All you need to do is fill out an online form and send us the supporting documents. For our part, we take care of everything from your online entry to your business creation.

What are the regulations applicable to cleaning companies?

Hygiene rules

Under article L. 4221.1 of the Labor Code, work premises must be kept clean at all times. In accordance with labor legislation, business managers are required to respect health and safety conditions in their work environment. This is why companies often resort to outsourcing maintenance services .

In practice, cleaning professional premises requires a lot of precautions in terms of hygiene and safety, depending on the specificity of each area of ​​intervention.

Intervention areas Specificities
Hospital environment
  • Assessment of risk areas from 0 to 4, depending on the risk of contamination;
  • Establishment of a maintenance protocol (operating mode, products and conditions of use, etc.);
  • Development of equipment maintenance conditions.
Catering and food industries Compliance with food safety rules
High-tech industries (space site, chemical, etc.) Preparation of a specific memorandum of understanding for industrial cleaning

Specific standards to respect

These standards mainly refer to the use of cleaning products in order to prevent any risk for users and the environment.

Interlocutors Specificities
Hospital environment
  • Assessment of risk areas from 0 to 4, depending on the risk of contamination;
  • Establishment of a maintenance protocol (operating mode, products and conditions of use, etc.);
  • Development of equipment maintenance conditions .
Catering and food industries Compliance with food safety rules
High-tech industries (space site, chemical, etc.) Preparation of a specific memorandum of understanding for industrial cleaning

Creating a franchise cleaning business: is it possible?

It is also possible to create a franchise cleaning business . The franchise alternative appears to be an interesting alternative solution insofar as it allows you to join a business network, thus benefiting from the reputation of the franchising company, while leaving the franchisee the opportunity to exploit certain services.

Thus, although it is placed in close collaboration with the franchisor, the franchise company remains the owner of its business and thus benefits from its independence.


Which legal form should I choose to create a cleaning business?

Setting up a cleaning business lends itself to various legal forms. It is thus possible to opt for both the simplified micro-enterprise regime (although this regime does not offer the same development opportunities) as for that of the Individual Enterprise (EI). Furthermore, the project leader can also move towards the corporate legal form by opting for, choosing either the simplified joint stock company (SAS) or its single-member form (SASU), or the limited liability company (SARL), or its single-person form (EURL).

How much does it cost to start a cleaning business?

Like any business creation, the creation costs are variable and depend on several factors such as the legal status (which determines the various formalities to be completed), the rental of premises, or even the various necessary equipment.

How to start a cleaning business?

Before starting any business creation process, it is important to familiarize yourself with the regulations in force regarding health and safety. Concerning the formalities to be completed, these will depend on the legal form chosen. Note that in the case of a commercial company, the procedure is as follows: drafting of the statutes, making contributions to the share capital, publication of a notice of creation of the company in a JAL and registration of the company in the RCS.

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