Do you apply yourself to write your quality articles? Do you regularly publish content on your site and yet you always find yourself on the 10th page of Google search? Do not panic ! You will have in this article how getting backlinks can greatly help you. You will get all the answers to your questions to help you get your website to the top of the search engine page.
On the other hand, there is no miracle recipe, it will take a lot of work and obtaining quality links, backlinks, to get there. Backlinks in natural referencing have a place of choice, in fact, they are important in your positioning and in the metrics measuring the quality of sites such as trust flow.

But what is a backlink?
A backlink is a link present on a website other than yours and which points to yours. The goal is to maximize the number of links pointing to your site. In Google’s eyes this will mean that you have authority on the web. But only here, all the links are not equal!
Let’s see what are the elements that make a good link:
- A link in the content of the page has more weight
- The link anchor must be related to the content of the landing page
- The content of the page where the link is located must be related to the landing page (example = an article on web marketing (page content) web agency (landing page)
- The trust flow of the linking site must be as high as possible
- You need to have links from different sites
1. Register your site in directories
Select quality directories, this will boost your SEO a little. However, directories must meet a few criteria that will help you choose the most relevant ones. Before you start, make a list of relevant sites and check:
- The directory should not validate your add request automatically
- It has a trust flow greater than 20
- The directory site asks you for a long description
2. Submit articles to other blogs to get backlinks
This is the principle of guest blogging. You write articles that you will then propose to other blogs in a theme close to yours. They will be published as guest articles with a link to your site. Try to write quality articles to more easily find someone who will want to publish it on their site and think about your reputation.
3. Get interviewed
Get interviewed in video or text form, however it works if you already have a little notoriety on the Internet. You will then get a backlink from the person who interviewed you.
If you are not yet known, you can offer in exchange for an interview with a blogger who also needs to be known. You post his on your blog and he posts yours on his.
4. Offer an infographic to your partners to obtain qualitative backlinks
Infographics are trendy at the moment, easy to read, they are generally a hit with Internet users. Moreover, it is pleasant to look at in an article because we tend to memorize information better when it is a drawing or an image. The format is suitable for sharing on social networks, which increases and diversifies your audience.
Infographics generate far more shares than regular articles. As a bonus, if others use your infographic because it is of good quality and relevant, it can maximize your chances of getting links.
5. Organize and share a contest
Internet users love contests, it’s a quick way to get known. A well-organized competition will allow you to contact as many people as possible related to your theme. People love to share contests on their blog or page, which helps you get backlinks.
6. Participate in forums to get backlinks
Find forums in the domain of your website, then you can often add a link in the signature, be careful, however, you must respect the privacy policy of the forum. With this technique, you get a backlink in your theme and that’s important.
7. Create a blog
Creating a blog is a technique well known by SEOs to increase SEO. It is also a good trick to be able to carry out link exchanges. Indeed, you will be able to publish blog articles with links from partner sites, in return the partner site will publish a link for your site, and one more backlink.
8. Purchase of links on specialized platforms to obtain backlinks
To quickly obtain incoming links, it is sometimes useful to buy them. This is a technique that allows you to acquire a good link quickly. You go to specialized platforms like Rocketlink , you pay a site to insert a link to your site.
Be careful, remember that having a large number of backlinks is not everything. The links from these platforms must also be related to what you want to promote.
If you want to know the best netlinking platforms but also the best netlinking tools , we have written a complete article on the subject.
9. Comment on a blog
Commenting on articles in your theme will allow you to obtain backlinks to your site on your name (link anchor). However, most blogs put these links in Nofollow which does nothing for your SEO. Some blogs offer Dofollow links, but don’t abuse this technique.
10. Turn 404 errors into a link
When you come across a link that falls on a 404 error in an article of your theme, it is a link opportunity, contact the author. Tell him the error and offer him your resource instead. It’s a “win-win” strategy: the error is corrected thanks to your help and you can set up quality links to your site.