
Are you curious about the mobile app development landscape and trying to decide which framework is the best fit for your project? Two of the most popular options are Flutter and Xamarin. In this blog, we’ll be comparing these two frameworks in detail, covering everything from performance to ease of use.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of which framework is best suited for your project, whether it’s a new app development or upgrading an existing one. So, whether you’re a developer or a business owner, explore the world of Flutter vs Xamarin and evaluate them according to several key criteria in order to discover which one will give you the edge in the world of mobile and flutter app development company.


Comparison Guide for Flutter Vs Xamarin

Flutter Vs Xamarin


Xamarin is known for its high performance and smooth app experience. It uses the C# programming language, which is known for its speed and efficiency. Xamarin also uses the Mono runtime, which allows it to use a smaller amount of memory and CPU resources, making it a great choice for performance-critical apps.


Flutter, on the other hand, is also known for its high performance. It uses the Dart programming language, which is known for its fast development cycle and high-performance app experience. Flutter also uses a reactive programming model, which allows for smooth, high-FPS animations and responsive app behavior. This makes it a great choice for apps that require a high degree of visual finesse.


Xamarin is a popular choice among developers, especially those who are already familiar with C# and the .NET framework. Many large companies have adopted Xamarin for their app development needs, including IBM, Bosch, and Honeywell.


Flutter, while relatively new, has been gaining popularity among developers. It is known for its fast development cycle and a highly customizable framework. Many startups and indie developers have adopted Flutter for their app development needs. Companies like Alibaba, Google Ads, and Groupon have also started using Flutter app development framework.


Development languages

Xamarin integrates C# programming language, which is a well-established and powerful language that has been around for over two decades. C# is known for its speed and efficiency, making it a great choice for performance-critical apps.


Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which was developed by Google. Dart is a modern and powerful language that is easy to learn for flutter app developers who already know other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, or C#. It is known for its fast development cycle and high-performance app experience.


App Size

The size of the app is another important aspect to take into account while developing a cross-platform app. Although the size of the binary is not significant, Xamarin supports a wide range of platforms. However, the size of the software increases significantly when Xamarin apps are packaged for deployment.


Compared to native iOS and Android apps, Flutter apps typically have larger binaries and overall sizes. App binaries are somewhat large due to the 2.7 MB size of the Flutter core engine in addition to the framework and code of the app.


When it comes to components, both Flutter and Xamarin offer a wide range of options for developers. Flutter comes with a collection of pre-built UI components, including Material and Cupertino, making it easy for developers to create visually pleasing and interactive apps. It provides a set of customizable widgets that can be used to create beautiful and highly responsive apps. Flutter also has a large and active community that creates and shares custom components and packages, which can be easily integrated into the app.


On the other hand, Xamarin.Forms provides a detailed cross-platform UI toolkit that includes components that look and feel like native components, but can be used in a cross-platform setup. While Xamarin.Forms is a great option for developers who want a pre-built component, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android allows developers to have more control over the appearance of their app. Both frameworks offer a great component support, so it’s a tough call between the two.

Code reuse

Xamarin allows for code reuse across different platforms. This means that a significant amount of code can be shared between both the iOS and Android applications. This is done by using a single, shared C# codebase, which can be used to create the business logic of the app. This can significantly fasten the app development process, as developers don’t need to write separate code for each platform. Additionally, Xamarin also allows for the reuse of existing .NET code, which can further speed up development.

The use of a single codebase also makes it easy to maintain and update the app across different platforms. Additionally, Flutter’s widgets are designed to be reusable and composable, which allows developers to easily create and reuse custom UI elements.



Xamarin is a free and open-source framework, but its enterprise edition, Xamarin.Insights, requires a subscription. The enterprise edition provides additional features such as crash reporting, analytics, and performance monitoring. The subscription fee for the enterprise edition can vary depending on the number of users and the level of support required.

Flutter is also a free and open-source framework, and it does not require any subscription. It is completely free to use, and developers can use it to create and distribute apps without any additional costs.


Support and ecosystem

Xamarin has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the framework and create custom components. It is also supported by Microsoft, which provides extensive documentation and support.


Flutter also has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the framework and create custom components. It is also supported by Google, which provides extensive documentation and support.


Final Thoughts


Finally, it should be noted that both Flutter and Xamarin are capable frameworks for creating mobile apps, each with certain pros and cons. Flutter offers a fast development cycle and highly customizable framework, making it a great choice for startups and indie developers. Xamarin, on the other hand, is a great choice for mobile app developers already familiar with C# and the .NET framework. Both frameworks offer high performance and smooth app experiences, and both allow for code reuse across different platforms to speed up development. In terms of pricing, both frameworks are free and open-source.

Ultimately, the choice between Flutter and Xamarin will depend on the specific needs and requirements of your project. Therefore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each framework and choose the one that best fits your project’s needs. However, it is advised  to try out both frameworks, and see which one you find the most comfortable and productive to work with.

Author bio– Amara works with the editorial team of DianApps, a leading company offering website development company. Exploring the latest technologies, reading about them, and writing her views have always been her passion. She seeks new opportunities to express her opinions, explore technological advancements, and document the details. You can always find her enjoying books or articles about varied topics or jotting down her ideas in a notebook.

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