All the questions you have asked yourself about SEO and more particularly about SEO support or the implementation of an SEO strategy on your website.
SEO FAQ: Top Most Asked Basic Questions
How long does a SEO support last?
SEO is a long-term job, which means that you will not necessarily get results from the start of the service. SEO requires a real investment, it is not a question of activating levers once, then leaving your site abandoned. The improvement of positioning is strongly correlated with the implementation of recommendations. Regular SEO support keeps you informed and responsive to developments and opportunities.
How long to get SEO results?
The implementation of a seo strategy is once again, a more or less long-term work. It depends on taking into account the recommendations. For some sites, there is a real improvement in positioning and SEO traffic within 4 months. Good performances are often noticeable the year following the implementation of SEO optimization recommendations.
Is SEO really free?
We often hear people make the distinction between SEO and SEA by stating that one is free when the other is paid. But free SEO is not a truth in itself. Quite simply because it takes time, and “time is money”. It’s a bit simplistic, but it’s something to take into account.
By working on your seo alone , you will have to devote time to it. By going through the services of an Seo agency(Searchical SEO) , depending on the service you will not need to devote a lot of time to it, but you will pay for the services of your service provider. So we can’t really talk about free SEO. It is for this reason that we speak of seo or organic referencing and not “free”.
How do I know if Google has penalized my site?
If you notice a sudden drop in positioning on Google, a de- indexing of your pages on the search engine and/or a sharp drop in SEO traffic, you can legitimately ask yourself the question of an SEO penalty. It remains to be seen whether it is manual or algorithmic and how to fix it!
How to choose a domain name?
Choosing a domain name for your site is just as much a strategy of visibility on the web as the choice of keywords or a site design. If the influence of a domain name on the positioning of a site can be put into perspective, the fact remains that choosing the right domain name not only means offering the best possible legibility to your brand, but it is also to lay the sound foundations of a good web Seo.
Also check article on SEO Checklist